once upon a time fanfiction emma baby

Regina, recognizing she means well, tells Emma to stay out of the issue. Now they're not just staying together for them, but fo #captainhook He fills them in on his day's adventure of helping Ariel find a missing Eric. Annoyed at his secrets, she tells him off; believing it should be her responsibility alone to protect Henry. ("Shattered Sight"), On the day she officially receives the deputy's badge, a large earthquake rumbles through Storybrooke. Frustrated with his insistence, she instead throws a ball of magic, nearly hitting Hook. As the two look for Gideon, Mr. Gold recognizes an old shack as the place he was born, with Emma noticing that they are in his dream world instead of Gideon's. The following morning, Mary Margaret gushes to Emma and Henry about John Doe grabbed her hand. Emma and Mary Margaret promise if Tinker Bell helps their cause, she can make a new home in Storybrooke. He assures her that he is real, and Emma briefly tells him about how Henry is doing. In the theater, Emma steals an Apollo candy bar from another person, and as she takes a seat, an usher tells her to not do "it". Both her mother and father express praise and optimism in Emma; believing she will win against Ingrid. ("The Price"), While Regina is researching magical remedies to free Merlin, Mary Margaret and Belle help her. After a time, Cora finally breaks through the barrier. Searching the apartment, Mary Margaret's "magical" touch yields the book. After he is gone, Emma and Ruby exchange a curious look. "Dad, what are you doing here?". Hook doesn't go until Emma pushes him to follow orders, and bows to her while saying "as the lady insists", which she ignores. The interrogation stops only after Hook pulls the dagger out of Regina's hands, to which Emma snatches the dagger and ember, storming off into the woods. He admits trying to take Henry out of town since Zelena threatened to harm him. Since Hook continues to press her, she admits that everything she's doing now is because of him. Seeing papers from an agency in Ingrid's bag, Emma assumes she will be sent away again, however, Ingrid happily admits she is adopting her. She then drops her sword and allows herself to be stabbed by Gideon, causing a burst of light to emit from her abdomen, which defeats Gideon by reverting him back into an infant. During one night, she joins her expansive family at Granny's for supper. Unable to best Emma, Hook reveals his true identity as a shocked Mary Margaret pulls his hook out of his satchel. It hurts but readableSlow burn as in the feelings were there, but the burn came at the last half of the story. Inside the vehicle, they break open a freezer and uncover a newspaper clipping of when Pinocchio found Emma, as a baby, on the side of the road; proving the Snow Queen has been watching the savior from the start. Tinker Bell acknowledges that people not believing in her anymore, so she stopped being a fairy. 'Once Upon a Time' Fashion Spotlight: 4 Secrets You Need to Know About Emma Swan's Magical Wardrobe! Merida, having no hard feelings about what happened, thanks Emma for helping her see she should be merciful to the clans rather than kill them for betraying her. "Ok Emma, you're 9 centimeters one more and you are going to have to push." Aurora discovers Hook beneath a pile of bodies, and he attempts to deceive the foursome by stating he survived Cora's attack on the camp by hiding under some dead bodies. When the women leave and drive off, Emma phones Belle, who discovers a box missing from the shop. In the end, Cora is forced to flee. Strangely, the Snow Queen, out of recognition, calls Emma by name. I was terrified for her. Ingrid gives her two pints of cherry vanilla as well a spoonful of rocky road. Emma uses a locator spell on Ashley's shoe, and as she is following the shoe, she is joined by Hook and Henry. Soon, Henry and Neal emerge out from a pizza parlor and are thinking about going to the museum next. She finds it strange the mayor is getting herself involved in the case, though Regina gives a recollection of how she found John Doe on the side of the road and became his emergency contact. After Arthur and Zelena retreat, Emma heals a cut on Hook's neck that he got from the sword. As they walk towards the pawn shop, her parents attempt to get Emma to open up to them. Regina learning she can create, not just destroy. Once they are gone, Emma pick locks their guest room while Henry keeps watch. Though surprised, Emma allows it and uneasily watches them leave together, despite reassurance from Mary Margaret that Henry probably just wants to spend the night in his old room. Henry believes the problem is everyone as magic is corrupting good people such as both Mary Margaret and Regina and makes them do bad things, though Emma insists it makes bad people do bad things, too. Emma turns to look at her open closet door, but sees nothing amiss. After the light is snuffed out, the two halves combine, revealing a star constellation map with an escape route. Out of guilt, Marco finally comes clean about the wardrobe's power to protect two people instead of one, and he selfishly made a deal with the Blue Fairy to allow his son to go through. Congratulations! Another child in the home, Kevin, grabs the camera and toys around with it as the device unknowingly begins recording them. I held her hand and tried to keep her relaxed Dr. Whale's kept on coming in and checking how far along she was. When his back is turned, she hits him on the head with the telescope and hurries to Mary Margaret. Learning about Operation Mongoose, Emma decides to pitch in and help Regina find her happy ending. She feigns fatigue and excuses herself downstairs, where Rumplestiltskin goads her about liking the magic, especially since the kiss did nothing for her skin. Emma looks at the art scrawls on the wall and is surprised that Neal liked drawing. At home, Henry urges Emma to accept, since Walsh has proven himself to be serious, and won't leave her like his biological father did. At the corner, they see Ruby at the bus stop evading the advances of Dr. Whale. Suddenly, Henry rushes in to lead them to the mansion's secret room containing blank storybooks. Afterwards, she goes back to her apartment where other residents of Storybrooke are also gathered in mourning. Right as we arrived at the hospital, Dr. Whale's was out there to greet us, he tried to get me out of the car, but I leaned over in pain. So at the end of season 1, Regina makes one final attempt to get Emma Swan out of their lives, by poisoning an apple dessert with the sleeping curse and then offering it to Emma. I will do what all saviors must, I will give hope. Following a quick chat with her, she heads to the site of Kathryn's disappearance and acquires information from Sidney about evidence of an eight-minute long conversation Kathryn had with David before she went missing. Emma magically reverts herself to a toddler, with her adult memories, but is unable to communicate and no one knows who she is. She pushes the buzzer, and announces herself as a UPS package deliverer, but then the intercom abruptly switches off and the stranger escapes down the fire escape. They meet the Queen, who reveals her plan to keep Emma from intervening in Ashley's story, as all stories have bad endings once the savior is gone. Learning the sword can hurt the Queen without harming Regina, Emma makes plans of killing her with it. She suggests they use the poppy dust to put the giant to sleep. The day after, Emma heads to the address, recognizing a dream catcher as Neal's, meaning the apartment is also his, but more shockingly, she finds a camera strap with Henry's name. Frustrated, Regina insults Pinocchio for not trying harder as Emma diffuses the situation by taking the boy out of the room. ". Lastly, Emma finds Henry, telling him of his father's passing, and that he died a hero. In order to save everybody in Storybrooke, Regina sends Emma and Henry - the thing she loves most - off to a fresh start in New York. Emma joins Ruby, Snow, and Regina in confronting Zelena, who unveils in a mirror that Dorothy is currently under the sleeping curse in Oz. Returning to the cave, everyone searches for something that might be useful. Hook is pleased, remarking that if her heart is broken, it means she is still capable of love. Ingrid reminds her of how the crane game flickered and implies it wasn't an accident, but Emma just shrugs it off. The next morning, Emma goes canoeing with Henry, but she returns to get life jackets from the shed and runs into Hook, who tries to distract her by flirting. Hook reveals Pan told him about Neal being alive to make him choose between Neal or Emma, to which she is relieved he made the better choice. Before she can finish, an incoming storm forces her, Snow and Hook to seek cover. Emma begins leaving for the bar, and on her way out, she asks Henry to take the chest to the shed later. I heard someone coming up the stairs, I really hoped it was Killian, but it wasn't. Now hurry." They believe in their world, Emma just might have her happy ending. On her birthday, Emma tells her parents about a dream she had, in which the Queen was still a threat to them in a place called Storybrooke. She and Emma are forced into a holding pit. As she wishes on the candle not to be alone on her birthday, a boy, Henry, shows up claiming to be the son that she gave up for adoption ten years ago. Theres a baby on my porch.. Emma leaves the two to talk. She notes Graham isn't in today and it must be because he spent the night with Regina. With a scroll, Cruella and Ursula are allowed into town. Once he awakens, she reveals her plans for making him into the hero she needs. "Ok Emma, there is still one baby that needs to come out. From behind, Emma is shoved out of the way by a vengeful Hook, who then stabs Mr. Gold. Because Emma threatens to tell Belle everything, Mr. Gold agrees to reopen the portal to the Underworld so she can rescue Hook. The sheriff, Graham, arrives to unlock Leroy's cell and allow him to go. As Emma departs in the elevator, she clasps her hand with Killian's, only to have to let him go the further up she travels. a half hour later and Emma was ready to push "Emma you are at 10 centimeters, you have to push." Emma and Regina combine powers to take out Hyde, but it has no effect on him. While out picking flowers, Emma sees who she believes is the Queen, though it's actually Regina. Following a day of playing, a sleeping Henry is carried back to the apartment by Neal and they put him to bed. She and Hook spend time on the farm, where she takes Archie's advice and asks Hook to move in with her. Upset, Henry seeks refuge at the fire escape as she follows him out. Emma deters her from the inn because the beds are not comfortable, but Hook offers Belle a new room elsewhere. On the side of the road, Emma decides to call Graham and accept the job of deputy to further cement roots in Storybrooke for Henry's sake. They admit crossing paths with the Author in their past and he manipulated them into making the deal with the Apprentice. With only one lead left, the Snow Queen's ice cream truck, to find, they split into a search party.

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once upon a time fanfiction emma baby